Hey there! I'm FallCat, the webmaster of Bonics!
I brought Bonics, my magnum opus, online on March 22nd, 2023. It serves as a place where I can blab endlessly about whatever, as well as a bit of a haven away from the corporate web. (Although i will likely have my socials linked here someday because I am a hypocrite.) It serves as my little digital sanctuary where I can feature everything from my artworks, resources championing veganism, and glimpses into my silly little life.

I am currently unable to afford higher education so in my free time, I like to study nutrition. There is a lot that needs to be done in order to combat food insecurity, and the cruelty that comes alongside animal agriculture. In fact, there is a lot of politics that go into food that I feel are worthy of a larger discussion, its all just a means of getting people to talk about it. That is one of my goals.

I have also been living a vegan lifestyle since February of 2022. Despite my interest in dietary studies, diet actually hadn't really been a primary factor for me to consider veganism, in fact quite the contrary. Veganism was the catalyst that had made me interested in the human diet. I had went vegan from a ethical standpoint. When we eat animals, we are directly supporting the corporatocracy of the abuse and slaughtering of sentient beings. With this realization, I personally couldn't continue to pay for the murder of those who don't want to die, and I advocate for others to take the same path.

Beyond the veggies, you'll see me dabbling around in a variety of art projects. From goofy little doodles, to experimental digital creations like this site, you never know what you're gonna get!